532 poze   57273 vizite
1981 - Joseph was there when no one was - I learn a lot from himx-- A fanclub for the reason of my happiness-Thanks Joseph Morganx-- Claire and JoMo - the most funny and magical friendship-I love itx-- Facts about my angel -I always want to know more about himx-- He always has a lot to learn for The Originals and The Vampire Diaries but how much - Let s seex-- His appearances are perfect - Elegant with a smile on his lipsx-- In their deaths I mark my days - Armistice - the best movie foreverx-- JoMoHolics are there for him-are everywhere -how much love for JMx-- Julie Plec made us a gift and has written books with The Originalsx-- My heroes are born on 16 may- Great souls in a magnificent dayx-- My thoughts and feelings in a few lines - I always feel more lovex-- Niklaus Mikaelson-a true leader and a true problem but we love him   Niklaus along episodes- Become more beautiful with every new episodex-- Only respect is key when true love is born of different beingsx-- Our Joseph is taken-5 July 2014-JoMo married with Persia Whitex-- Relax darling - Sociopath and proud - TVD Kevil fanclubx-- Romania loves Joseph Morgan - a part of me - a group for himx-- Small things for my inspiration - Instagram Twitter Facebookx-- They are born to be my angels - How much inspiration - ILTSMx-- You are like dust if you are a hater-Joseph deserve what is goodx-- You can always make more- slave with privileges-Ben Hurx--Moment of truth-your opinion about my work- JosephMorganx3xx-- Let s play - Like - Dislike - Miley Cyrus

membru din 8 martie 2014

x-- Relax darling - Sociopath and proud - TVD Kevil fanclub

Poate stiti sau poate nu dar numele celor mai periculoase personaje negative din TVD au inceput cu K.De aici Kevil.Mie sincer,mi-au placut toti,in special Klaus si Kai.De aceea,am facut un fanclub pentru ei.
Aceste personaje pur si simplu au facut serialul mai bun prin prezenta lor,prin povestea lor.Actorii care le-au dat viata,sunt la fel de geniali si si-au intrat in rol foarte bine.Merita respectul nostru.Si chiar daca nu mai sunt toti vii,in amintirea noastra mereu vor fi.
Poti alege doar o poza.Nu dau back.

Comentarii album • 2
christophrWood 27 septembrie 2015  
poza 2 <3 omg Kevil.
qxFantastique 13 august 2015  
Poza 5 , cea cu Katherine :3
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